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[ARC] KOF98资料全书【心得研究·10】

发表于 2009-11-29 20:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
98的援助攻击                        (很长但是应该很有趣)
翻译:superlichen 作者: Michael Lee「m_lee@uclink4.berkeley.edu」 日期: Tue, 18 May 1999 12:39:36 -0700
Benimaru, Kensou, Chin总是会帮助Athena,还提到Shermie(!), Shingo and Kim也总会帮助她。
Shermie会帮助任何女性角色除了Chizuru,一个婊子 (译者注:那确实)
Shingo会帮助几乎所有人除了八杰集(Chris, Shermie, Yashiro, Mature, Vice)(注:似乎漏了龙二)和Rugal。他对他们保持中立。Shingo永远不会帮助Iori。
另一方面,Athena总是会帮助Chin和Leona。 Athena尊敬她的老师,也愿意帮助Leona和Iori。Athena是少数几个对Iori保持中立的角色之一。
此外,我在玩Takuma的时候,Kim也出来帮助我,尽管Kim也是拉着个马脸。那么,98的援助攻击看起来到底是什么呢?(或者说,Shermie/Leona/Kim/Shingo和Athena有什么样的关系呢?)援助攻击不再和是否传接气点的那个笑脸有任何关系。在KOF97里,人物之间的关系是不变的,并且影响着Advance模式下是否传接气点。但是在98里,笑脸与否是在变动的,但是援助攻击(人物间的关系)是恒定的。Kyo Kusanagi
总会帮: 无 (整一个杂种)
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Iori, Mature,
Vice, Saisyu (他老爸!), Heavy D!, Lucky, Brian, Rugal.
Benimaru Nikkaido
总会帮: Yuri, Leona, Athena, Chizuru, Mai, King, Shermie,
Mary, Mature, Vice.
绝不帮: Joe (泰国对手 ), Chin (老头无需得到尊敬), Chang (畸形人), Choi (畸形人+), Iori, Heidern,
Takuma, Saisyu (又是个老头), Heavy D!, Lucky,
Brian, Rugal.
Goro Daimon
总会帮: Kyo, Benimaru (这才是真正的队友亚), Chin (大门比较尊敬长辈), Chang (畸形人), Choi (畸形人+),
Heidern, Takuma, Saisyu.
绝不帮: Iori, Rugal.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:15 | 显示全部楼层
Terry Bogard
总会帮: Andy, Mary.
绝不帮: Yamazaki, Billy, Iori, Rugal.

Andy Bogard
总会帮: Terry, Mai.
绝不帮: Yamazaki, Billy, Iori, Rugal.Joe Higashi总会帮: Goro (头巾队!), Terry, Andy (队友嘛), Billy (对Lilly的老哥好) (注:超级坏消息,自从恶狼传说3以来,Billy唯一的亲人Lilly小妹总是约会Joe,而Joe恰恰是Billy的大对手!这些在其他任何游戏中都很少提及,除了恶狼传说3中Joe的结局才可以看到) 绝不帮: Benimaru (泰国对手), Iori, Rugal. -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Ryo Sakazaki
总会帮: Yuri, King (很美好,不是吗?King的感情直到97才有回报), Takuma.
绝不帮: Yashiro (想破坏道场), Iori, Rugal.

Robert Garcia
总会帮: Yuri, Kensou (the Kansai thang)(注:似乎有典故,我想应该是和Southtown有关,谁能补充补充?), Takuma.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Iori, Rugal.

Yuri Garc..屙...我是说 Sakazaki
总会帮: Ryo, Mai, King. (噢,没有Robert或Takuma!)
绝不帮: Goro, Joe (头巾队), Chang (畸形人),Choi (畸形人+), Iori, Heidern, Saisyu (因为他和她老爸组队吗 ), Heavy D!, Lucky, Brian, Rugal.

Leona Heidern
总会帮: Heidern
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Mature, Vice,

Ralf Jones
总会帮: Leona, Clark, Yamazaki (和刀有关?), Heidern.
绝不帮: Iori, Rugal.

Clark Steel
总会帮: Terry (棒球帽下面的金发 ) (注:都是金发,都带球帽,和Lucky有帽子队的特殊结局), Leona, Ralf,
绝不帮: Iori, Rugal.

Athena Asamiya
总会帮: Leona, Chin.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Mature, Vice,

Sie Kensou总会帮: Robert (donnai dekka) (注:这句是kensou对robert的特殊开场所说的话,robert回敬了一句:buji buji dena,汗。有日语达人知道是什么意思吗?), Athena (是人都知道原因). 绝不帮: Yashiro, Chris, Yamazaki, Iori, Rugal. Chin Gentsai
总会帮: Athena, Kensou.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Iori, Mature, Vice, Rugal.

Chizuru Kagura
总会帮: Kyo, Mai, King, Saisyu.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Mature, Vice, Rugal.

Mai Shiranui
总会帮: Andy, Yuri, Chizuru, King.
绝不帮: Joe, Billy, Iori, Rugal.

总会帮: Ryo (有特殊开场), Yuri, Chizuru, Mai,Shingo (可能使她想起了Jean) (注:Jean是King的弟弟).
绝不帮: Joe (又是那个泰国鬼子), Chang (畸形人), Choi(畸形人+) (龌龊的人,就像Jack [Turner]), Iori,Mature (相同的生日日期 ), Rugal.

Kim Kaphwan
总会帮: Athena, Kensou, Chin, Chizuru.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Iori, Mature, Vice,Rugal.

Chang Koehan
总会帮: Choi, Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Iori, Mature, Vice, Rugal.
绝不帮: Athena, Kensou, Chin, Chizuru, Kim.

Choi Bounge (这厮有自己的歌曲)
总会帮: Leona (wtf ) (注:wtf=What the f**k,老外口语中经常用,用以加强语气。这里可以认为表示强烈地不理解,下同。), Chang, Yashiro, Shermie, Chris,
Yamazaki, Iori, Mature, Vice, Rugal.
绝不帮: Athena, Kensou, Chin, Chizuru, Kim.

Yashiro Nanakase
总会帮: Shermie, Chris.
绝不帮: Kyo, Chizuru, Iori, Saisyu, Rugal.

Shermie (不像法国名字亚)
总会帮: Yuri, Leona, Athena, Mai, King, Mary, Mature, Vice.
绝不帮: Kyo, Chizuru, Iori, Saisyu, Rugal.

总会帮: Yashiro, Shermie.
绝不帮: Kyo, Chizuru, Iori, Saisyu, Rugal, Shingo (!).

Ryuji Yamazaki

Blue Mary [Ryan]
总会帮: Terry.
绝不帮: Billy, Rugal.

Billy Kane
总会帮: 没有.
绝不帮: Terry, Andy, Joe, Yamazaki, Iori, Rugal.

Iori Yagami

总会帮: Goro (wtf !), Brian (WTF!)
绝不帮: Kyo, Athena, Kensou, Chin, Chizuru, King, Kim, Iori,Saisyu, Rugal (!).

总会帮: Heidern, Takuma. (他×的怎么回事?)
绝不帮: Kyo, Athena, Kensou, Chin, Chizuru, Kim, Iori, Saisyu, Rugal.

Heidern (应该拼成Jeidern之类)
总会帮: Leona.
绝不帮: Iori, Rugal.

Takuma Sakazaki (空手道先生还活着!)
总会帮: Ryo, Robert, Yuri, Saisyu.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Iori, Rugal.

Saisyu Kusanagi
总会帮: Chizuru, Takuma.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Mature, Vice, Rugal.

Heavy D!
总会帮: Chin (wtf), Mature (!), Vice (!), Heidern (!), Takuma (!), Saisyu (!), Lucky, Brian.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Billy, Iori, Rugal.

Lucky Glauber总会帮: King (他们共同拥有一个酒吧 和Duck King一起 )(注:King开酒吧倒是很清楚,大家看她出场带个女佣送酒就知道了。不过Lucky也入股了?还有Duck King,不知道是不是2000里面Joe的另一半的那个Duck援助,或者直接翻成“鸭男”?酒吧里有这玩意也说的过去亚 :P), Mature, Vice, Heidern, Takuma, Saisyu , Heavy D!, Brian. 绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Billy, Iori, Rugal.

Brian Battler
总会帮: Robert (wt...), Mature, Vice, Heidern, Takuma, Saisyu , Heavy D!, Lucky.
绝不帮: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Billy, Iori, Rugal.


绝不帮: Iori.
对这些家伙保持中立: Yashiro, Shermie, Chris, Yamazaki, Mature, Vice, Rugal.
总会帮: 其他所有人.


除了Chang和Choi (超级畸形人)外,Leona, Athena, Chizuru, Mary,

除了Chang和Choi外, Shingo是仅有的一个可能帮助Rugal的家伙。

Joe和Kim 除了Shingo外没有其他朋友。

Kyo, Iori, Yamazaki, Billy和Rugal全都是杂毛、杂碎兼杂种。:P (注:都是死活见死不救的,有性格!)
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:15 | 显示全部楼层



Date: , 24 January 2003 8:58 P.M (Friday)

by Shakespaare. < exclusivezia@hotmail.com >
< shakespaare@hotmail.com>

1. The author

I started played KOF since KOF 97... I personnaly think that the KOF series is
the best 2D fighting game ever, because of it depth : lotta combos, hella mind
games, pressing stuffs, etc... And of course bugs are another important
feature of the game. KOF 97 was my first meet with KOF...and also my first
meet with KOF bugs. Veterans would know that i'm referring here to the
(in)famous Kyo's infinite combo. That's why bugs are so important in KOF :
some of them can be used in real VS game, and some of them are really

In my opinion, using bugs in gameplay could be fair, as long as you doesn't
abuse of it : I mean infinites combos are for scrubby experts players that
don't like to lose. Nevertheless, as I also use some of those bugs, I can't
just say : "hey you stop using this &#@ stuff vs me!".


2. About bugs

What is a bug, and what is not a bug A bug is something that is a coding
mistake from SNK staff. Bugs are always very numerous in the KOF series,
that's why each year SNK attempt to seek and destroy it.... but each year some
bugs remains. Some bugs are also removed between the cartridge and the CD
issue of the game. That's why I think that SNK deliberately let few bugs in
the game. The most important are for example transforming the moves (that
existed since 94 and was in 95), multihits in KOF 96, and juggles by
interrupting moves in KOF 97.

I won't consider as bugs juggles that you can do more of 2 times : this is
only some gameplay stuff that might be lethal, but I think there is no bug in
this. Finally I will divide bugs in two categories : the ones that you can use
in gameplay and the others.


3. Notation

This Faq is for average players, that's why I won't details all the motions
here : if you read this faq you should know that QCF means quarter circle
forward. If you don't , Ex Andy's beginner faq will help you in entering the
KOF world - and this faq.

For each bug the following information will be given :

- bug : the bug stuff

- gameplay : yes if the bug is usable in real vs situations. Improbable is
when it is possible to use it in theory but since the condition is
improbable or it's too hard to perform, you can take it as a "no".

- condition : is the condition necessary for the bug to occur

- characters/character : means that the character#1 can do this bug vs
characters #2. For example: Rugal/Goro means that you can do it only in a
Goro/Rugal or Rugal/Goro versus. Iori/all means that Iori can do this bug vs
all the characters.

- description : explains how to realize the bug

- notes : additional comments.


4. Bugs list

- bug #1 : guard break

- gameplay : yes.

- condition : a important distance between the two characters is
necessary : at least 3/4 of the screen

- Athena Heidern Iori/all

- description : Iori throws a QCF+A. The opponent is guarding. At the exact
time the QCF+A will touch the opponent, Iori perform his command grab :
HCB fw+P : the opponent's guard will be broken and he will be touched by the

- notes : this is one of the most usefull bugs in KOF 98 : you can really play
nasty game with this. Throw the fireball, if the opponent is guarding you
make him it (using the command throw), if he rolls, you combo him. Yagami
can do it after his QCF HCB+P DM for extra damage.


- bug#2 : guard break

- gameplay : yes.

- condition : a important distance between the two characters is
necessary : at least 3/4 of the screen

- Takuma Athena/all

- description : As the opponent is recovering, Takuma throws a QCF+A fireball,
then HCB+K. The opponent can't guard the fireball, and will be hit. The dash
(fw fw) can be used instead of HCB+K.

- notes : a variation of bug #1. Takuma can apply it exactly as Iori, after
his rush DM. If the opponent rolls, he takes the risk to be grabbed. Athena
uses the teleport.

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:15 | 显示全部楼层
bug#3 : guard break

- gameplay : yes

- condition : must be close to the opponent

- every character with a long range projectile/all

- description : RB2 Terry swept the opponent with his dn+D interrupted into
QCF+P fireball. As the opponent is recovering, RB2 terry do a standing CD or
another dn+D. The opponent will be hit by the CD or the dn+D : his guard
was broken.

- notes : not an infinite combo, because of the distance after the second time.


- bug#4 : Goro's juggle

- gameplay : yes

-condition : jumping opponent

- Goro/all

- description : as the opponent is jumping towards Goro, he performs dnfw+C
interupted into QCB+B, then dnfw+C (that will juggle), interrupted again
into QCB+B. When the opponent hits on the ground Goro can hit him with DP+A.
If the opponent his finally cornered, Goro can finish him with HCF+C.

- notes : a lethal juggle that already existed in 97.


- bug #5 : Kohoken into Haoh Sho Ko Ken

- gameplay : yes

-condition : stock or red flashing - Ryo must throw out of the corner

- Ryo95/Goro Bryan

- description : Ryo grabs Goro with his fw+C basic grab. As soon as possible
he performs QCF+A. Goro cannot guard the ball and will be hit. As Ryo
performs fw HCF+C that must hit exactly after the ball impact. This will
result in a 2 hits rush.

- notes : none.


- bug#6 : hyper dash

- gameplay : yes

- condition : none

- Iori/all

- description : Iori performs bk bk+B. This will result in a hyper back dash
bringing him far away from the opponent.

- notes : very usefull. Another reason why Iori is the n this year.


- bug#7 : Rugal loves Goro

- gameplay : no

- condition : a important distance between the two characters is necessary

- Rugal/Goro

- description : Goro performs his DP+A and Rugal performs HCB+P. Rugal must
hits Goro at the exact time Goro strikes the ground. Rugal will be glued to

- notes : the effect is similar to Billy/Clark bug in KOF 97. You'll be able
to play Rugal and to perform all his special/DM but Goro will be glued to
him all along till the time over.


- bug#8 : reversed guard

- gameplay : yes

- condition : occurs when the 1P is cornered and is recovering

- all/all

- description : 2P perform a combo or something that makes the 1P fall. 1P
must be cornered. As the 1P is recovering, his guard will be reversed, hence
2P can combo him easily.

- notes : this kind of 1P-2P bug is not the first one existing. In KOF 95 a
similar bug involving grab priority ever existed.

- bug#9 : Kyo's infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : EXTRA mode only

- Kyo/all

- description : Kyo dashes forward (fw fw). As he's dashing perform dn+C...

- notes : due to the EXTRA dash, Kyo command attack can be perfomed.


- bug#10 : Mai's infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : EXTRA mode only

- Mai/all

- description : Mai dashes forward (fw fw). As she's dashing perform

- notes : similar to Kyo's infinite

- bug#11 : Shermie's infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : stock and/or red flashing

- Shermie/Robert Goro

- description : Goro cornered, Shermie performs HCBx2+P. After the DM, she
will be floating a little above the ground. Using her A, she can slap Goro
to the infinite.

- notes : none.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:16 | 显示全部楼层
- bug#12 : Mary's infinite

- gameplay : yes

- condition : QCFx2+K DM must hit(but not grab) a jumping opponent

- Mary/all

- description : Mary performs QCFx2+ K DM on a jumping opponent. If it hits
but doesn't grab him, he'll fall on the ground. Mary can runs forward and
grab him with her HCB fw+C command throw. After this she'll be floating a
little above the ground. She can then hit the opponent to the infinite using
her standing B.

- notes : similar as Shermie's bug. The reason why I registred it as usable in
gameplay is that you can use the HCBx2+K DM instead of the HCB fw+C grab.
You cannot infinite him after but it's more fair, more the opponent won't
let you hit him after the throw! This could be useful because hella people
use QCFx2+K as an anti air. This bug exists since KOF 97.


- bug#13 : Kim's Infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : opponent cornered, in the air

- Kim/all

- description : if Kim hits a jumping opponent with his QCF+K, he can juggle
him to the infinite using the same move

- notes : none


- bug#14 : Kim's second infinite

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : no stock/no red flashing

- Kim/all

- description : close C (1 hit) into dn dn+B, into HCF+B...repeat

- notes : none.


-bug#15 : Heidern's stormbringer

- gameplay : improbable

- condition : none

- Heidern/all

- description : perform dn up+C without hitting the opponent. Then go close to
him and perform HCB+C. The stormbringer will be more damaging.

- notes : another old bug, that already existed in KOF 94 (it was a 100%


- bug#16 : bees

- gameplay : no

- condition : corner

- Choi Athena Mai/all

- descrition : roll backward and perform special move with "amplified" motion.
ex with Athena : to perform psycho ball, roll backward and perform QCB uB + P.
She must bound on the screen boundary and float over the ground...

- notes : quite difficult to perform.


5. Final word, acknoledgments and credits

This is a very short faq. I won't write a whole paragraph about how to use the
bugs in versus games, I think the conditions I described are enough to show
you how to use it. Just take bugs as another feature of the game you can use as
combos, pressings, mind games etc.. but don't focus on it! This year we're
lucky enough because there's no easy infinite due to the bugs, unlike KOF 95
(Kyo's juggle), and KOF 97 (Terry's infinite power charge). I don't forget
Iori 96 infinite scum gale but I don't really consider this as a bug. Don't
forget that bugs can really create monsters, so be careful!

Other things are from our gameplay experiences of my friends
and I. I really would like to thank Olivier and Yashiro, they are the one who
intoduced me to that game and are also my usual KOF partners.

Finally if you have any bugs to add, don't hesitetate to mail me at
{CopyRight Infos}
All Original Content here belong to the SNK Corporation Play More Co.
& Eolith Corporation
However THE KOF DANGEROUS Reserves the Copyrights of the ideas &
information presented here.
First Ask for Permmision to Use Any Material From Here!
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:16 | 显示全部楼层

作者: 云化火 文章出处: 拳皇黑洞 日期: 2004/11/09 10:15pm


注意:最后的收招时间因为某种原因可能存在1f 的误差.....


   3a(7高位,2,5,23 )
   6b:(15/极低身位,然后腾空/4垂直向上的脚尖判定 /3/21)

   备注:98 2c速度第一名! 无耻+淫荡+bt!!!幸好身位不低....
   6b:(14/12比较理想的判定时间,判定框是整个臀部 /13)
ps:如果只考虑2c 的话,本队为最无耻,队内平均2c速度2f....

ps:个人认为最有可能和ryo 的无耻2c拼的人,因为娜娜的2c一开始就是极低身位,ryo可能打不到(推测)而kyo却正好克制娜娜(仅从数据猜测,没时间实战测试),
ryo 凿kyo 却正是小菜,石头剪子布???
另外,那那的6b 判定时间比我想象的要短很多,在空中那腿张的那叫开啊.....
12:clark:(5/9/10)感觉能和ralf 的2c 一拼
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:16 | 显示全部楼层
     j2b:(5/13bt的判定时间!! )

    请参考:http://www.kofeffect.com/cgi-bin/topic.cgi forum=41&topic=1569&show=30

 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:17 | 显示全部楼层

                 作者: chenshen 文章出处:www.chinakof.net 日期: 2003年6月5日23:15


1 福建掌门的挑衅传说(KOF2000除外)
对于福建掌门,我就不多说了,我想大家应该比我对于他的了解会更多一些。在他的实 战录象中给我留下印象最深的就是大胆的运用挑衅来组织进攻,但每一个挑衅都是笑里 藏刀。我认为把挑衅在实战中运用好了相当的不容易。挑衅的作用就是故意暴露自己的 弱点来引诱对手向你发起进攻,在对手无防备地进攻同时给予对手致命的打击。但是危 险性极大,一旦失败将会。。。。。。。。我感觉掌门的挑衅用的时机很好,我也正在修炼此学。 但由于缺少实战经验,我无法向大家介绍关于如何运用挑衅的实战心得。

2 福建掌门的大门骗招(KOF97)
在福建掌门与传说之键盘的对战录象里(KOF97),有一段两个大门之间对决。其中有一 段我记得很清楚:掌门点5B后立即下蹲,传说之键盘为了与其拼血出5D但打空。掌门 立即起身5D,传说之键盘被击中。在短短5秒钟好象这种情况出现了3个循环,传说之 键盘连着吃了3下5D(好象是3下)。

3 民工精髓的游击战术(KOF2002)
我看过民工精髓的很多对战录象,他的微尼沙对我的启发很大,2D—26B和24A的配合 用的很好。好多人都说02微尼沙的24A没用了,但通过他的录象我发现很多近身战24A 的作用很大。于是我研究出了一套很实用的连技。大家都知道01微尼沙有一个无限连: 2B—6A—24A—2B。。。。。。虽然在02中已连不上了,但是依然可以用。首先JD,对手防御 后2D—26B拉近距离立刻2B—6A—24A—2B—6A—24A(对手防御),两个循环打完后,直 接6A—BC—66 5C—6A。。。。。。这个70%的可能对手会吃上。如果没吃上,BC后继续2B—6A— 24A,A按住输入6B—松开A—6C(破防)—626A—626C—26B—2626A。我在实战中经常使 用这套招,命中率基本在80%以上。总之,微尼沙的24A与24B,26B是分不开的。

4 AYUMI的由利角落进攻(KO2002,VS对空技较弱的人)
AYUMI的由利角落进攻非常凶,而且破绽比较小。我通过对他的实战录象分析,总体的 套路就是JD—2D—26A—2D—26A—26A—JD—2D—26A—2D—26A(对手防御的情况 下)。。。。。。第一个26A后接2D是没有破绽的,第三个26A打不到对手,防止对手跳。 整体上是这样一个套路,但稍做手脚后威力就更大了。比如第二个循环开始后JD—2D- --26A,对手由于受到第一个循环的影响会拉下防,于是立即前冲2D对手肯定防住。 这个2D后马上BC—6A—26B—2C—3D—624A—2624B,如果对手防住就用伪连技2C—6A— 26B反复折磨他,对其也是个不小的打击。

5 AYUMI的八神闪避战术(KOF?)
凡是看过AYUMI的02对战录象的都应该会注意到他使八神有一个习惯,就是24A*3或 624B命中后在对手倒地的同时用AB闪到对手身后(那尔,你不得不承认这是AYUMI的 一个特有的习惯,你们卢工机房凡是上过录象的除了AYUMI以外没有一个人这么做)。 可能在其他人眼里这是一种非常危险的选择,但我认为这是一个极为巧妙的战术。因为 八神的24A*3和琴月阴的收招比较快,完后用6AB闪到对手身后。这时八神闪避收招与 对手起身的时间基本是一致的(八神稍快一些),这时对于八神也有很多种选择:小JC, 5B,2B,5C,小跳百合,大跳百合,削风。。。。。。而对手只有三种选择:投技,防御, 对空技。八神也不一定进攻,AB后也可以采取防守战术:后AB,44B—26A。。。。。。这种 战术我现在已经运用在实战中,效果非常好。但我不知98,99是否可以这样,还有待 证实。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:17 | 显示全部楼层
6 程龙的雅典娜之波(KOF98,KOF2002)
由于无敌对他的高度评价,使我一直感觉到这个人正像他的网名(谜一般的男子)一 样,是个很神秘的人。。。。。。。
大家都看过程龙VS天地霸皇者的98对战录象吧,很多人对此录象表示怀疑(从录象 上看天地霸皇者实力确实有些不近人意),但我认为我们不应追究过程,应该从中汲取 战斗经验。我感觉程龙使雅典娜中远距离轻易是不发波的,如果发了,就会达到这种 效果:发出波后要给自己留有充足的反击时间(626C,624624A),只要对手跳过来或 者滚过来,必中626C,624624A。这招看似简单但用好了很难,我觉得发波前要有一个 欲读的思维过程,能预料到对手下一步要干什么,还要掌握好距离,反应是最重要的。

7 独孤八神的退位削风(KOF97)
独孤这家伙对KOF的热爱程度让我感到很吃惊,是一个全心全意热忠于KOF的人。实 力自然很强,我个人认为凡是能打得过他的人(KOF97)就能称得上是达人。由于SARS 的干扰,他最近无法在论坛上露面,所以让我代他向大家问好!
经过多次与独孤八神的对战(当然是我输得多啦),我总结出一句话:想跟独孤八神抢 投技,10个里能抢到1个就不错了。独孤的得意技就是八神的退位削风。出法很简单, 就是拉住斜下续半秒再拉前C。退位削风对于像特瑞,大门,草鸡等块头较大或.没有 近身技的人相当好用。比如打草,5B(近)后用退位削风,草出626A,5C等招数必中 削风,即使出2B,2A等也有极大的可能中削风,如果跳,就会中5C—16C。退位削风 的用途很广,比如百合后,JA/C后等。具体实战用法见独孤八神写的《论八神简易削 风》的文章,就在精华区里。退位削风还有一个比较特殊的用处:我使八神用超小JD, (拉上的同时按D),如果独孤用2B或2D对空的话必中我的落地16C。这时如果独孤 用退位削风的话则出现两种情况:第一种就是我中削风,第二种就是我落地后双方定 格半秒后依然是我中他的削风(我与独孤研究过,不知为何)。可见退位削风的厉害。

8 第一红丸的红丸逆向阵(KOF97)
第一红丸是北京新世界的第二高手(第一高手是星光灭绝),现在在我们这上大学,他 是我到目前为止见到过唯一能打得过独孤的人。而且不是实力相当的那种,如果独孤 与他对100个,独孤顶多赢15个,决不夸张。可惜此人现在被CS夺取了灵魂。
他的得意技就是红丸的逆向阵。比如打大门,先用红丸投把对手放倒,立刻后退2步 小JD(逆)--2BB—超小跳D(逆)--小跳D(逆)--2B—小跳D(正)--小跳D(逆) --垂直小跳D(正)—超小跳D(逆)。。。。。。。。这只是我所说的一种情况,大家能看得 出来变化是很多的,让对手在正向与逆向之间转来转去,最后轻松的用2BBB—2626C解 决对手。也许有人会说用AB闪不就行了,但闪出去后有40%的可能中红丸的2C—624D 或前冲红丸投。目前本人对此技还不能达到随心所欲的地步,修炼中。。。。。。。

9 阿辉的轻攻击牵制(KOF98—02)
阿辉是我们这的98 NO。1高手,在我们这的机房也有一句对战忠告,就是:阿辉在点 A或B时千万不要跳,否则。。。。。。。 我观察发现阿辉每点一次轻攻击后左手都会有一个626的动作,不管是远战牵制还是 近战攻击都是这样。所以他的升龙命中率基本能达到90%以上(独孤原来也说过)。由 于左手先准备好了626,所以只要对手跳,不管是大跳还是小跳,只要是跳,C/D键按 下去对手升龙必中。后来我在实战中也这么做,但总是失败。后来阿辉告诉我说是因 为我的注意力不够集中,看来还须修炼啊!

10 我的快速反应(KOF99)
不好意思,我把自己也写进来了(偶脸皮比较厚,呵呵!)。我呢,总体来讲,技术很 差,水平很菜!
我对一次对战至今记忆犹新。记得那次我和一个20多岁的人打99(2000还没有出), 双方打到了第5局,都是K’。开始我俩一直26A—6B,26A—6D这样互相试探,谁也不 敢进攻,后来时间只剩下10秒的时候,由于我的血少有些急了。大概在5,6秒的时 候中了对手9C—5C—6A—24B,我的血大概还有不到一个重拳,而对手大概有60%左右 的血。他打完我后立即44后退并使出了2626A(按住),很明显是在耗时间。我起身后 时间只剩下两秒了,我想当时在场的所有人都认为我必输。我当时也不知该怎么办, 突然在一瞬间我想到了!我立刻也输入了2626A,对方可能也是没有想到,下意识地松 开了A键,正合我意!我也松开了A键,结果只听见一声巨响,我的K’倒下了,而他 由于我打了他一个COUNTER,他的K’也倒下了。屏幕出现了几个字“DRAW GAME”,时 间为“00”。后来在加时赛里由于我还有一个ST特瑞,最后结果我赢了。当时在场所 有人(包括对手)都为我鼓掌了,啧啧,那种感觉啊。。。。。。。
这正是我要向自己“学习”的地方,我很佩服当时我一瞬间的反应(自己佩服自己?), 后来我时刻告诉自己即使在最后一秒钟也要保持冷静,总会有解决困难的方法。
 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-29 20:18 | 显示全部楼层
11 无名高手的八酒杯妙用(KOF97)
我曾看到过一段录象:八神VS草。八神把草用24A*3打入角落后立即前冲24A(草此 刻还未起身),草起身后立即使出626C,没想到八神用了2426BC(按住),由于八酒杯 有无敌时间,草像神仙一样的升了天。然后就是俗套的葵花二段接必杀。这也可能是 八酒杯的唯一实战用途吧,呵呵!(我不知道这段录象是谁打的)

12 沙僧的反跳(KOF99)
连技派的高手(像ASD,雅典娜守护神,传说键盘,KENSOU等)应该对沙僧这个名字 不陌生,我对他不太了解,只知道他是台湾(或香港)的某届的KOF98全国冠军,连 技超一流。
我的KOF对战演示盘里有四段他的99对战录象,其中有三段他都用到了反跳。他先用 JD打逆向,然后面朝前再跳回来(JD)。我看他运用得相当自如,但是从技术上来讲难 度还是比较大的。

13 韩国高手的心理战术(KOF2001)
前几日论坛主页的韩国VS日本KOF2001比赛大家都看了吧。大家好象对此评价不是很 高,但我觉得两个人既然能代表自己的国家出战,说明实力还是很强的。
我观察到了两个人的表情,一个嬉皮笑脸(韩),一个十分严肃(日),就通过这一点, 我刚看到一半就预料到最后结果会是韩国赢。那个韩国人不停的冲对手笑,我觉得那 个日本人从心理上已经被他打败了。当韩国人吃了对手KIM的6246BD时,台下一片起 哄的声音,而韩国人却没当回事一样还冲台下笑了笑,而那个日本人额头上已经出汗 了。最后一局很明显,日本人精神防线已经崩溃,输得一塌糊涂,最终日本败北。 我并不是让大家打KOF时嬉皮笑脸,而是告诉大家真正的比赛时心态是最重要的,如 果你能从心态上战胜对手,那么实战的胜利也离你不远了。

14 一个不错的网站(鸡肋篇)
在剑心的《02 BC连技征集帖》里,RALFJOINS贴出了一个网站,那是个非常棒的KOF 连技网站,里面从94—02的连技应有尽有,而且都很不错!图帖加按键方法,太爽了! 大家不妨去看一看,里面除了连技以外还有好多好东东!!!!!!

结束语:我感觉和高手过招是最能学东西的,大家不要注重输赢,学东西才是最主要的! 可能还有很多好的对战录象我没有看过,但我希望我也能从各位身上“搜寻”点 好的实战经验与战术。谢谢各位捧场!请发表言论!
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