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[EN] 根据出生日推测性格(中英双语)

发表于 2016-1-18 20:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 DogMyCats 于 2016-1-18 21:00 编辑

It'sthe ancient art of telling your fortune fromnumbers hidden in your life. Here, in the concluding part of ourfascinating numerology series, how they hold the key to yourcharacter... All you need do is look up the day of the month onwhich you were born in the key below.
Wherethe number has two digits — as it does for anyoneborn beyond the 9th of each month — we often see a combination ofthe qualities associated with each of the two numerals.

Your Day of themonth

1st You'rea strong individual with leadership abilities. You have a creativeand inventive mind that must be utilised. Youprefer to be in charge or self-employed. Your independent streakencourages you tomarch to the beat of your own drum.
2nd Youseek balance and harmony in your life. You're cooperative,empathetic, and understanding of others' problems. You work wellwith others but need to build your self-confidence. Love andpartnership are very important to you.
3rd Youhave a good sense of humour and enjoy communicating with others.You may also have artistic or creative abilities. People areattracted to your charismatic personality. You have that 'certainsomething'.
4th Youare strong-minded and determined. You set high standards foryourself and others, and honesty is very important to you. You'rehard-working and conscientious about the qualityof your work. Others trust and rely on you.
5th Youhave the gift of the gab. A born communicator, you can talk toanyone about anything. You're multi-talented and havea variety of interests. However, you're easilybored when something is no longer a challenge. You find it easierto commit to things that mentally stimulate you.
5号: 你能说会道,有天生的交流能力。你和什么人都有的聊。你多才多艺,且兴趣爱好广泛。不过,当某件事对你来说再也不具有挑战性时,你很容易感到无聊。你觉得自己更易热衷于那些让你感受到兴奋刺激的事。
6th You'rereliable and responsible and enjoy taking care of others. Peopleoften turn to you for advice and assistance. You'refamily-orientated and would rather be in a relationship than onyour own. Love is very important to you.
7th Youhave a deep and analytical mind. Youdislike superficiality and like to look beyond thesurface of things. Quiet time alone away from the hustle and bustleof life is vital to your wellbeing. You're extremely intuitive. Besure to follow your instincts.
8th You'rea leader rather than a follower. You have a logical, practical mindand a talent for business. You have the ability to be self-employedor a manager, a team leader or a supervisor. Both your appearanceand your achievements are important to you.
9th Youhave a sensitive and generous nature. You're broad-minded and ableto see the bigger picture in life. You've been gifted with theability to understand a diverse range of people and their cultures.You may also be creatively talented in some way.
 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-18 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
10th You'rea natural manager and leader. Highly independent and unique, it'simportant that you embrace your individuality and originality,because this is the key to your success. You can becompetitive andinsecure, and like to be number one.
11th Highlysensitive and intuitive, you're a deep and caring person who enjoysuplifting and inspiring other people. But you can also be easilyhurt and taken advantage of by others. When you believe inyourself, you can achieve big things.
12th You're sociableand friendly and enjoy being around people. You're a naturalentertainer, with the ability to cheer people up when they're down.You possess the independence and determination of the 1, combinedwith the kindness and compassion of the 2.
13th You'vehad to learn the value of hard work. No stranger to the importanceof perseverance and discipline, you're a talented problem-solverwho gets things done. You combine the strength and determination ofthe 1 with the creative mind of the 3.
14th You'rea natural salesperson and communicator, and people are attracted toyour charisma. Your challenge is to makea commitment and stick with it. Be mindful ofaddiction and overindulgence.
15th Youenjoy helping others and are blessed with a magnetic personality.Due to the independence of your 1 and your 5's need for freedom,you require the space to be yourself in relationships. Love andfamily are important to you.
16th Youcan see through phoney people and situations. You don't trusteasily. Deep, contemplative and intuitive, you look beyond thesurface of things. Personal development and a complete overcomingof the ego is the key to your success.
17th Youprefer to work in a position of authority. You combine theleadership qualities of your number 1 with the intuition and logicof your 7, making you a gifted decision-maker to whom others lookfor guidance.
18th Youmay work in a service-based career. You're a strong-minded andindependent person who prefers to be in charge; but you also have agood understanding of people and their needs. Patience andtolerance are keys to your success.
19th Youhave executive abilities and are driven to achieve your goals. Whenyou admit your mistakes and accept advice from others, you increaseyour potential for success. A talented leader, you are oftenrespected by others.
20th You'rea peaceful person who dislikes arguing and confrontation. You'reempathetic towards others and are a natural counsellor and healer.You can be indecisive and insecure; however, self-confidence isyour key to success.

 楼主| 发表于 2016-1-18 20:59 | 显示全部楼层
21st You'remulti-talented, with varied interests. You were born with the giftof communication — atalented speaker who can talk to anyone about anything. However,you must be mindful not to use your words to gossip orcomplain.
22nd You'rehighly sensitive and intuitive. You have the gift of added insightwhen you combine your intuition with your logical mind. You workwell with others and have the ability to lead large projects whenyou focus and apply yourself.
23rd You'rea mover and a shaker, with a magnetic personality. You likeexcitement and adventure and need your freedom to do your ownthing. You enjoy networking with others and offering advice. You'rea natural salesperson and promoter.
24th Youare family-orientated and like to be needed. You're a naturalparent and caregiver and are happiest when you're helping someoneout. You may work in a service-based career but you need to becareful not to 'over-help' or interfere in others'lives.
25th You'rea natural student and teacher, whose interests may tend towardssubjects like psychology and philosophy. Needing quiet time aloneto process your thoughts and contemplate life, you may appeardistant or guarded at times.
26th Youmake a good leader because you lead alongsideothers, as opposed to controlling from above. You're determined andstrong-minded, and you don't like being told what to do. You have atalent for business and thrive in self-employment.
27th Youmay be artistic or creative. You love to fight for the underdog andhave a strong sense of justice. You combine the analytical mind ofyour number 7 with the intuition of your number 2—giving you a leading edge when dealing with business mattersand people.
28th You'rea go-getter who doesn't take 'no' for an answer. When you have yourmind set on something, you will do everything in your power to getit. You're competitive and like to stand out in a crowd. Youcombine strength with intuition andcompassion.
29th Deep,intuitive and spiritual, you may have an interest in anything thatfalls under the 'mind, body, spirit' umbrella. You're a giftedcounsellor and healer, with an open and loving heart. However, youneed to learn to love and appreciate yourself.
30th You'rea born entertainer who likes to be the centre of attention. You maybe artistically or creatively gifted, or clever with your hands.You're a talented speaker who has a way with words—but you must use your words to uplift, rather than tocriticise or put down.
31st Practicaland grounded, you are blessed with creative ideas. You're alsoconscientious and hard-working, and strive to get results. You workwell with others but prefer to be in charge. People respect andadmire you, and rely on you for advice.

发表于 2016-1-18 21:21 | 显示全部楼层
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