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[业界] Retro Studios 小组搬家扩张|开发者:WiiU绝对是目前性能最强的主机

发表于 2012-10-15 10:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
http://nintendoeverything.com/10 ... to-a-bigger-office/




相关来源:http://wiiublog.com/retro-studio ... hy-this-is-amazing/

Retro Studios — who are working something for the Wii U — has moved into a new office, leaving their old building (pictured above) behind. The logical conclusion, me thinks, is that they’re expanding to either work on more, or at least bigger projects. They were hiring new people recently, so they do appear to be in a state of growth. It could still take until E3 before we hear about their project though

目前代表着任天堂最高图形技术力的Retro Studios 工作室正在不断地招兵买马,已经搬去了比先前更大的办公楼。以应对次时代游戏发展的需求,这次的搬家我们还不知道意味着什么,相信是在做一些更大的项目。


http://wiiudaily.com/2012/10/dev ... -console-right-now/

Developer: Wii U is the strongest console right now
Developer behind Nano Assault Neo says the Wii U is the strongest console at the moment. .

German developer Shin’en recently chipped in on the never ending debate on Wii U’s hardware and power. In an interview with Ntower, they said that the Wii U is the “strongest console” right now, and that it’s got a lot of potential for the future. Specifically, Shin’en CEO Manfred Linzner commented on the Wii U GPU, which he said was a generation better than what’s available now. He said:

“Right now, the Wii U is the strongest console with a lot of potential for the future. You should not forget that the Wii U GPU is from a different generation than the ones from the current competitors. Because of that, there are many new ways of approaching things.”

The power of the Wii U has been strongly debated over the past year, but everyone pretty much agrees that it’s more powerful than the current generation systems. Linzner added that it’s easier to implement graphics solutions for the Wii U than on current generation consoles because of the more modern hardware. “Coupled with the generous working storage” he said, “you have unbelievable possibilities”.

Shin’en is working on Nano Assault Neo, which will be released on the Wii U eShop on launch day. Nano Assault Neo is a shoot ‘em up that takes place on a microscopic level, where players battle deadly viruses. The game will also support co-op, where two players can join forces, with one player on the GamePad and another using the Wii U Pro Controller.


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