E3 convention is all about promoting and selling your products to the consumer. Every year, each company takes the stage to show the entire world what they have in store. Deciding who had the best conference is just a matter of personal choice; for a company to really win E3 they need to be the ones who convinced the most people to buy their products.
Online retailers are often a good source to calculate how products stand against each other after the convention is over. If sales are the determining factor to compare who did a better job selling their product, then Microsoft is leading the bunch at this year’s E3. Below you can see how E3 affected positively & negatively each console after the convention week was over.
Microsoft’s products debuted with the biggest sales after E3, followed by Nintendo, and Sony in last place. Keeping in mind that this type of conventions are targeted for public of all ages, Microsoft was the one to penetrate the most households and generated the biggest purchase intent among gamers. Nintendo’s hardware & software dropped down some spots from their earlier chart positions. Sony’s Move sales are surprisingly in last place, even though it offers the cheapest motion controller alternative. There are two ways to decide how an E3 conference can be won, as a gamer or as a company. Gamers might argue who showed the best games and what they wanted to see, but for a company to win E3 is about who gets the most household sales and who doesn’t.
Take a look after the break how E3 affected each company and their products.