tabby 发表于 2017-10-20 22:38

【101】我在用的 Thesaurus



有无(yi)数(ge)朋友让我推荐下 thesaurus ,我这里旧文整理重发。先谈谈 thesaurus 的定义,部分英汉词典以及几乎所有的学习型英语词典,都把 thesaurus 近乎等同于同义词词典,现在看来这是不准确的,和实际情况不符。英汉大词典(第 2 版)the·sau·rus /θɪˈsɔːrəs/
–([复] -sau·ri /-ˈsɔːraɪ/)
1. 类属词典,同类词汇编
2. 【计】主题词表
3. 〈罕〉宝库;仓库
1 同义词汇编;同类词汇编
2 同义词词典;类属词典
3 <文> 宝库thesaurusMWALED:: a book in which words that have the same or similar meanings are grouped together 义类词典;同义词词典
OALD:: a book that lists words in groups that have similar meanings 分类词典;同义词词典
LDOCE:: a book in which words are put into groups with other words that have similar meanings分类词典,同义词词典
COBULD:: A thesaurus is a reference book in which words with similar meanings are grouped together. 同义词典;分类词典
MED::a book that contains lists of words that have similar meanings 类属词典;分类词汇编
CALD:: a type of dictionary in which words with similar meanings are arranged in groups 同义词词典再看看更为准确的定义。21 世纪大英汉词典thesaurus
1. 同义词与反义词词典
2. 词典;百科全书;综合性参考书
3. 贮藏室,仓库;宝库
4. (词语、资料等的) 汇编;文选
5. 【计算机】索引;主题词表thesaurusRHUD:: a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.
WNWCD:: book containing a store of words; specif., a book of synonyms and antonyms
WBD:: a dictionary in which synonyms, antonyms, and other related words are classified under certain headings.
AHD:: A book of synonyms, often including related and contrasting words and antonyms.我发现,母语型词典中,美国英语词典 thesaurus 释义一般都会提到 antonym(反义词),英国英语的词典一般只提 synonym (同义词),偶有提到 antonym(反义词),但是无论美国产还是英国产的 thesaurus ,都既有同义词也有反义词。极端的,哪怕 Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms ,也有 antonym(反义词) 内容。
[*]绝版好书:Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms

现在 Dictionary + Thesaurus all-in-one 是主流,有很多以 DICTIONARY & THESAURUS 命名的辞书。尤其是在线的词典,无论 Merriam-Webster、 Oxford 还是 Collins ,在线词典里都混有 thesaurus 的内容。就算是学习型词典,词典条目里也是有同义词、反义词内容的,甚至有专门的同义词辨析栏目。Webster 是 dictionary 的同义词、代名词,Roget( 1779 - 1869 ) 则是 thesaurus 的同义词、代名词,这两位大仙背后都有很多有意思的故事,以后专门撰文详谈。推荐两本 audiobook。
[*]The Forgotten Founding Father: Noah Webster’s Obsession and the Creation of an American Culture

[*]The Man Who Made Lists: Love, Death, Madness, and the Creation of ‘Roget’s Thesaurus’

下面我简单罗列一下自己用过的 thesaurus ,依照使用频率为序。

[*]Webster’s New Dictionary of Synonyms

[*]Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus

[*]Oxford Thesaurus of English

[*]Concise Oxford Thesaurus

[*]Concise Oxford American Thesaurus

[*]Collins Thesaurus of the English Language: Complete & Unabridged

[*]Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition

[*]New American Roget’s College Thesaurus !!

[*]The Chambers Thesaurus

[*]Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Thesaurus

[*]The Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms

[*]Oxford Paperback Thesaurus (4 ed.) & Pocket Oxford American Thesaurus (2 ed.)

[*]Oxford Learner’s Thesaurus 牛津英语同义词学习词典(英汉双解版)

[*]Longman Collocations Dictionary and Thesaurus

[*]Longman Thesaurus of American English

[*]OALD7 里的 Word Finder

[*]Macmillan English Dictionary 里面的 Macmillan English Thesaurus

[*]Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary 里面的 Thesaurus

[*]Collins COBUILD Resource Pack on CD ROM, 2003. 里边的 Collins Thesaurus


另外还有各种 children’s 、school、for student 的 thesaurus ,还有专门的 Clinician’s Thesaurus 等等,我用得不多(其实是因为尚无 GoldenDict 下可用的版本),这里就不列出了。Thesaurus 对于拓展词汇量,汉译英、英语写作选词以及头脑风暴,还是非常有用的。前面列表我给 New American Roget’s College Thesaurus 打了两个感叹号,是因为我通读过好几遍甚至打印过这本。WordNet 之所以排第一,是因为它的内涵实在是太丰富了,各种 visual thesaurus 都是基于 WordNet ,它不仅仅是 thesaurus 。有机会我再仔细谈谈, flag 先立在这里。中文 thesaurus ,就不如英文世界丰富了,中文信息处理用的叙词表,倒是和 thesaurus 有些像,明天整理下中文的同义词、反义词、分类词词典。

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