tabby 发表于 2017-9-24 23:44




一、eucalyptusA eucalyptus is an evergreen tree, originally from Australia, that is grown to provide wood, gum, and an oil that is used in medicines. 桉树(原产于加拿大)2011 年版的错误,延续到了 2017 年版。二、Alice = “艾丽斯”还是“艾利斯”wood» After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie.
2011/2017: 晚餐后艾利斯溜出去跟阿蒂到林子里散步。评:“艾利斯”应为“艾丽斯”,词典里另外 10 处 Alice ,均翻译为“艾丽斯”,唯独这里,翻译为“艾利斯”。accompany» He sang and Alice accompanied him on the piano.
2011: 他一边唱,艾丽斯一边为他钢琴伴奏。
2017: 他一边唱,艾丽斯一边为他弹钢琴伴奏。acquiesce» When her mother suggested that she stay, Alice willingly acquiesced.
2011/2017: 当母亲建议她留下时,艾丽斯欣然允之。expiate» It seemed that Alice was expiating her father’s sins with her charity work.
2011/2017: 似乎艾丽斯正在通过自己的慈善工作来弥补父亲的罪过。least» Alice wasn’t the least bit frightened.
2011/2017: 艾丽斯一点儿都不怕。pelt» Alice leapt from the car and ran full pelt towards the emergency room.
2011: 艾丽斯跳下车,拼命奔向急诊室。
2017: 艾丽斯跳下车,拼命奔向急救室。precede» He gestured to Alice to precede them from the room.
2011/2017: 他给艾丽斯做手势,让她在他们前面离开房间。reputation» Alice Munro has a reputation for being a very depressing writer.
2011/2017: 艾丽斯·芒罗以文风沉郁闻名。thought» Alice had been so deep in thought that she had walked past her car without even seeing it.
2011: 艾丽斯考虑问题入了神,连走过自己的车都没看见。
2017: 艾丽斯考虑问题入了神,走过自己的车时都没看见它。through» Alice gazed pensively through the wet glass.
2011/2017: 艾丽斯透过湿漉漉的玻璃神情忧郁地凝视着窗外。uncanny» I had this uncanny feeling that Alice was warning me.
2011/2017: 我有一种奇怪的感觉:艾丽斯是在警告我。2011 年版才有的例句。corroborate» Alice corroborated what Blair had said. 艾丽斯证实了布莱尔所说的。make out» Alice continued making out her case. 艾丽斯继续为自己证明。plain» Why couldn’t they call you plain Ann or Alice like the rest? 他们为什么不能像其他人一样,给你取个普普通通的安或艾丽斯的名字呢?shiver» Alice gave a shiver of delight. 艾丽斯乐得直抖。
新世纪英汉大词典:艾丽斯笑得花枝乱颤。评:《新世纪英汉大词典》这句翻译真是神来之笔啊。三、Williams = “威廉斯”还是“威廉姆斯”miss» Williams knew that she had missed her chance of victory.
新世纪英汉大词典:威廉斯知道她错失了获胜的机会。评:这里的 Willams 很容易让人联想起昨天澳网女单决赛的威廉姆斯姐妹。不过《柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典》无论 2011 还是 2017 年版,其它所有例句中的 Williams ,均翻译为“威廉斯”。
《新世纪英汉大词典》 miss 条收录了同样的例句,却翻译为“威廉斯”,其他还有多处“威廉姆斯”,列举几例。新世纪英汉大词典bank on
» They are banking on Williams to lead the team to victory. 他们指望着威廉姆斯带队赢得胜利。
» Williams positioned himself to receive the ball. 威廉斯摆好姿势准备接球。
» the powerhouse that is Serena Williams 塞雷娜•威廉姆斯这一极具影响力的人物
» Out of all the quarter-final games which took place that day, it was Williams’ tie against Capriati which was the pick of the bunch. 那天所有的四分之一决赛中,威廉姆斯和卡普里亚蒂打成平局的那场最精彩。
» It was game, set, and match for Serena Williams today in the women’s single finals at Wimbledon. 在今天温布尔登女单决赛中,塞雷娜•威廉姆斯大获全胜。
» Williams was a fastidious and dignified man. 威廉斯是一个矜持高贵的人。
» David Williams scored the all-important goal eight minutes before full-time. 大卫•威廉斯在全场结束前八分钟进了关键一球。
……四、Alex = “亚历克斯”还是“亚历克丝”old maid» Alex is too young to be already thinking of herself as an old maid.
2011/2017: 亚历克丝认为自己是个老姑娘的想法还太早了点。clench» Alex clenched her fists and gritted her teeth.
2011/2017: 亚历克丝攥紧拳头,牙咬得咯咯响。在 Alex 明显作为女性名字时,《柯林斯》将其翻译为“亚历克丝”,其余情况均翻译为“亚历克斯”,不过在 2011 年版中,有一处例外。fearful2011:’What are you going to do to me?’ Alex asked fearfully. “你要拿我怎么样?”亚历克丝害怕地问。2017 年版未收录这个例句,这里看不出 Alex 是男是女,不过估计译者觉得可能这个句子里 Alex 是女性的可能性更大。五、Feguson?roasting2011: » The team was given a roasting by manager Alex Feguson. 这个团队遭到了亚历克斯·费格森经理的严厉批评。
2017: » The team was given a roasting by manager Alex Ferguson. 球队遭到了主教练亚历克斯·弗格森的严厉批评。评:英文第 5 版、第 8 版原版例句里,均为 Alex Feguson ,明显错了。2011 年版继承了原版的错误,2017 年版改正了原版的错误,值得点赞。studied» ‘We both have an interesting 10 days coming up,’ said Alex Ferguson with studied understatement.
2011:亚历克斯·弗格森故作轻描淡写地说:“我们都即将迎来愉快的 10 天。”
2017:亚历克斯·弗格森故作轻描淡写地说:“我们都将迎来愉快的 10 天。”六、Patsy = “帕齐”还是“帕奇”clench» Patsy had to clench her jaw to suppress her anger
2011: 帕奇只得咬紧牙关压住怒气。
2017: 帕齐只得咬紧牙关压住怒气。评: 2011 年版出现了一处“帕奇”,其余地方 Patsy 均翻译为“帕齐”,2017 年版修改了这处问题。bounce» Patsy had picked up the baby and was bouncing him on her knee.
2011: 帕齐抱起婴儿放在膝上颠动着。
2017 无这个例句outgrow» She outgrew her clothes so rapidly that Patsy was always having to buy new ones.
2011/2017:她长得太快,衣服很快便穿不下了,帕齐只好经常给她买新衣服。watch» ‘Now watch it, Patsy,’ the Sergeant told her.
2011/2017:“留点神,帕齐。”中士提醒她。yowl» Patsy could hardly be heard above the baby’s yowls.
2011/2017:在婴儿的号哭声中很难听清帕齐在说些什么。顺便,patsy 本身除了是人名,还是一个词。新世纪英汉大词典patsy
n /ˈpætsɪ/
1 易受骗的人;牺牲品;冤大头
» Davis was nobody’s patsy. 戴维斯不是任何人的牺牲品。
» He has long felt that Ray was set up, that he was a patsy. 他一直觉得雷是被陷害的,是个冤大头。
2 替罪羊;替死鬼七、Mary = “玛莉”还是“玛丽”rap» Mary Ann turned and rapped on Simon’s door.
2011: 玛莉·安转身急促地敲了敲西蒙家的门。
2017: 玛丽·安转身急促地敲了敲西蒙家的门。评:Mary Ann 在《柯林斯 COBUILD 高阶英汉双解学习词典》中出现了数十次,应该是出现次数最多的完整人名,原因不详。
2011 年版,rap 下的 Mary Ann 翻译为“玛莉·安”,其他地方均为 “玛丽·安”,2017 年版,终于, rap 条也改为“玛丽·安”了。八、Jessica = “杰茜卡”还是“杰西卡”store» Jessica dipped into her store of theatrical anecdotes.
2011: 杰西卡翻阅了自己收集的大量演艺界的趣闻轶事资料。
2017 无这个例句。light» ‘I’m not an authority on them,’ Jessica said with forced lightness.
2011/2017: “我又不是这些方面的权威,”杰茜卡故作轻松地说。punctuation» Jessica scanned the lines, none of which had any punctuation.
2011: 杰茜卡把这几行飞快地扫了一眼,没有任何一行加了标点。
2017: 杰茜卡扫了一下台词,没有一行加了标点符号。settle» Jessica settled into her chair with a small sigh of relief.
2011/2017: 杰茜卡微微松了口气,坐到了椅子上。sip» Jessica sipped her drink thoughtfully.
2011/2017: 杰茜卡小口地喝着饮料,若有所思。take out» Jessica’s grandparents took her out for the day.
2011/2017: 杰茜卡的祖父母带她出去玩了一天。thud» Jessica’s heart was thudding against her ribcage.
2011: 杰茜卡的心在胸腔里剧烈地跳动着。
2017 无这个例句。wave» Jessica caught sight of Lois and waved to her.
2011: 杰茜卡看到了洛伊丝,就冲她挥手致意。
2017 无这个例句。本文不是在给《柯林斯COBUILD高阶英汉双解学习词典》挑刺,相反,是在点赞,诸如“帕齐”“玛丽”这样的小问题,2017 年版都注意到并修订了。要从这本词典里找到硬伤,还是比较困难的。-EOF-

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