tabby 发表于 2017-9-13 00:05

【004】American Heritage *** Dictionary



The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (缩写为 AHD )出版小史:1969 AHD1
[*]1982 AHCD2(AHD 第 2 版改名 The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition)
[*]1992 AHD3
[*]2000 AHD4
[*]2011 AHD5 [持续修订]
  总的说来,AHD 是一本很有气质的综合性大学级英英母语型词典,You Are Your Words 这句它曾用过的 slogan 更是逼格爆表,相较而言,OED 的 The definitive record of the English language 显得冗长乏味,不过倒也和 OED 气质相符。AHD 的出版、编辑理念乃至营销,都有很多故事,不过这里空白太小,我不打算写(来打我呀)。金山词霸 2005/2007 的收费版,收录了 AHD 及双解版——《美国传统英汉双解词典》,目前金山词霸 iOS 版可以付费 ¥18 内购的《美国大词典》也是这部,这译名就不吐槽了。经过我的对比,金山词霸收录的 AHD 并非其当初宣传的 AHD4 ,实则是 AHD3 ,双解的蓝本也是 AHD3 。查 yahoo 这个词:
  AHD3n. A person regarded as crude or brutish. See Synonyms at boor 粗汉:被认为是粗鲁或野蛮的人 参见 boor  AHD4n. A crude or brutish person. See Synonyms at boor.  AHD5n. An unrefined and often loud or disruptive person. See Synonyms at boor.
interj. Used to express exuberance or delight.  不过,今天要读的还有另外两本词典。
  The American Heritage Children’s Dictionary
  Ages 8-12, Grades 3-6
[*]AHCD1 1998
[*]AHCD2 2003
[*]AHCD3 2007[持续修订]
  The American Heritage Student Dictionary
  Ages 11-16, Grades 6-10
[*]AHSD1 1998
[*]AHSD2 2012
  可以看到,Children’s Dictionary 针对的是 8-12 岁的母语为英语的小朋友(大致相当于我国的高年级小学生),收词量近 20000 ,实际上绝大多数非母语者英语水平终其一生,都很难达到或超过这个水平;Student Dictionary 针对的是 11-16 岁的稍微大一点的“小朋友”(大致相当于我国的初中生、刚入学高中的同学),收词量近 40000 ;那足本的 AHD ,收词量近 100000 , 其实高二、高三的“大朋友”们,都应用无碍了,可以陪伴一生。 AHD 的体量,其实也就比《现代汉语词典》稍大,我们其实初中乃至更早就用《现代汉语词典》了。
  看一下这三本的在具体词条上的区别。  The American Heritage Children’s Dictionary, 2007dictionary
A book that contains a list of words in a language in alphabetical order together with the meaning or meanings of each and their pronunciations.
  AHSD, 2003dictionary1. A reference book containing an alphabetical list of words with information given for each word. Such information usually includes meaning, pronunciation, and etymology.
2. A book containing a list of words in one language translated into another language: a Russian-English dictionary.
3. A book or category listing words in a particular subject with information about each word: a medical dictionary.
  AHD5,2016dictionary1. A reference work containing an alphabetical list of words, with information given for each word, usually including meaning, pronunciation, and etymology.
2. A reference work containing an alphabetical list of words in one language with their translations in another language.
3. A reference work containing an alphabetical list of words in a particular category or subject with specialized information about them: a medical dictionary.
4. A list of words stored in machine-readable form for reference, as by spelling-checking software.
  snobbish 这个词 American Heritage Children’s Dictionary 里没收。AHSD 比 AHD 要详细,且有一个例子。
  AHSD, 2003snob·bish
Of, befitting, or characteristic of a snob; pretentious: a snobbish attitude.  AHD5,2016snob·bish
Of, befitting, or resembling a snob; pretentious.  以《新世纪英汉大词典》一个例句作结:They had a snobbish dislike for their intellectual and social inferiors. 他们很势利,瞧不上那些智力和地位不如自己的人。  哈蛤鉿,这篇文章在 Safari + Markdown Here 插件帮助下写作完成。

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