DogMyCats 发表于 2016-7-9 21:12




DogMyCats 发表于 2016-7-9 21:13

Calming the Waves

Su Shi

Listen not to the rain beating against the trees.

Why don’t you slowly walk and chant at ease?

Better than saddled horse I like sandals and cane.

O I would fain

Spend a straw-cloaked life in mist and rain.

Drunken, I’m sobered by vernal wind shrill

And rather chill.

In front I see the slanting sun atop the hill;

Turning my head, I see the dreary beaten track.

Let me go back!

Impervious to wind, rain or shine, I’ll have my will.

(许渊冲、许明 译)
页: [1]
查看完整版本: 苏轼《定风波》英译